born in late 2000s, grew up in midwest suburbs
switched various school systems throughout gradeschool
made this username in middle school when joining the furry community
mainly work blue collar jobs (factory work, landscaping, service clerk)
spending post-grad looking for a better job, drawing in apartment, waiting to apply for a certification program
- orange belt karate, little league champ
- hunter's safety training, top 5 sharpshooters
- driver's license
- high school grad, first robotics champ
- lived in Germany for a month
- forklift certified
- university alumni (BA and Minor)
- listening to music
- drawing (digital and traditional, painting, comics, animation)
- working out (strength training)
- video games (Friends vs Friends, Fortnite)
- journaling
- languages (5-12th grade learning Spanish, Mandarin Chinese in college)
My Carrd
Updated Jul. 25, 2024